Sjib Agreement

Sjib Agreement

If you work in the construction industry, you may have heard of the SJIB agreement. In this article, we will discuss what the SJIB agreement is, how it came about, and how it affects workers in the industry.

What is the SJIB agreement?

SJIB stands for Scottish Joint Industry Board for the Electrical Contracting Industry. The SJIB agreement is a collective bargaining agreement between employers and employees in the electrical contracting industry in Scotland. The agreement covers various aspects of employment, including wages, working hours, holiday entitlement, and sick pay.

The SJIB agreement is negotiated between the Electrical Contractors` Association of Scotland (SELECT) and the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB). SELECT represents the interests of electrical contractors in Scotland, while SJIB represents the interests of workers in the industry.

How did the SJIB agreement come about?

The SJIB agreement has a long history dating back to the early 20th century. In 1918, the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) was formed to represent the interests of workers in the electrical industry. The ETU negotiated the first national agreement in the industry in 1920.

In 1953, the ETU and the Electrical Contractors` Association (ECA) formed the Joint Industrial Council (JIC) to negotiate a national agreement for the industry. The JIC was replaced by the Scottish Joint Industry Board (SJIB) in 1971, which included representatives from SELECT and the ETU.

The SJIB agreement has been updated several times over the years to reflect changes in employment law and working conditions.

How does the SJIB agreement affect workers in the industry?

The SJIB agreement is a legally binding agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of employment for workers in the electrical contracting industry in Scotland. The agreement covers a wide range of issues, including pay, working hours, holiday entitlement, and sick pay.

One of the key benefits of the SJIB agreement is that it provides a level of job security for workers in the industry. The agreement sets out minimum standards for pay and conditions, which means that workers are guaranteed a certain level of income and benefits. The agreement also provides a framework for resolving disputes between employers and employees, which helps to protect workers from unfair treatment.

Overall, the SJIB agreement is an important tool for ensuring fair treatment of workers in the electrical contracting industry in Scotland. It provides a level of job security and ensures that workers are paid a fair wage for their work. If you work in the industry, it is essential to understand your rights under the SJIB agreement and to ensure that your employer is complying with its terms.