Subordination Agreement Swiss Law

Subordination Agreement Swiss Law

Subordination Agreement under Swiss Law: A Comprehensive Guide

A subordination agreement is a legal document that establishes the priority of debts or claims against a particular property. This type of agreement is commonly used in financing transactions, where lenders or creditors require borrowers to subordinate their claims to other creditors or lenders. In Switzerland, subordination agreements are governed by the Swiss Code of Obligations (SCO) and other relevant laws and regulations.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to subordination agreements under Swiss law, including their purpose, requirements, and legal implications.

Purpose of subordination agreements

The primary purpose of a subordination agreement is to define the order in which different creditors are entitled to claim repayment from a particular asset or property. This is particularly relevant in cases where a borrower has multiple loans or financing arrangements with different lenders or creditors. By subordinating their claim, a borrower agrees to pay off certain debts or obligations first, before other creditors can make their claims.

Subordination agreements are also commonly used in bankruptcy or insolvency situations, where creditors have competing claims to a debtor`s assets. By agreeing to subordinate their claim, creditors can ensure that they have a higher priority in the event of a bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding.

Requirements for subordination agreements under Swiss law

Under Swiss law, a subordination agreement must meet certain requirements to be valid and enforceable. These requirements include:

1. Written agreement: A subordination agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties involved. This includes the debtor, the creditor, and any other party with an interest in the property.

2. Clear and unambiguous language: The agreement must be clear and unambiguous in its terms and language. This ensures that all parties understand the nature and implications of the agreement.

3. Specific identification of the property: The subordination agreement must specifically identify the property or assets to which it applies. This includes any collateral or security provided by the borrower.

4. Declaration of subordination: The agreement must contain a clear declaration of subordination. This means that the borrower agrees to subordinate their claim to other creditors or lenders in the event of a default or bankruptcy.

Legal implications of subordination agreements

Subordination agreements can have significant legal implications for all parties involved. These implications include:

1. Priority of claims: The subordination agreement determines the priority of claims against a particular property or asset. This means that certain creditors or lenders may have a higher priority for repayment in the event of default or bankruptcy.

2. Liability of the borrower: The borrower remains liable for all debts and obligations, regardless of the subordination agreement. This means that the borrower may still be required to repay the subordinated debt in full, as well as any other outstanding debts or claims.

3. Impact on creditworthiness: The existence of a subordination agreement may impact the borrower`s creditworthiness and ability to secure future financing or credit.


Subordination agreements are an essential tool for lenders, creditors, and borrowers in financing transactions and bankruptcy proceedings. Under Swiss law, subordination agreements must meet certain legal requirements to be valid and enforceable. It is important for all parties involved to fully understand the nature and implications of subordination agreements before entering into them. If you need assistance with drafting or interpreting a subordination agreement under Swiss law, seek the advice of a qualified legal professional.